Home > Artworks > Hermanos FaBru`S Las Memitas

Photo of Hermanos FaBru`S Las Memitas El Salvador

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  • World `S FaBru dream born of two young brothers Salvadorans, Fabio and Bruno Jimenez Artists who will gradually form a concept purely autochthonous and representative of a people, the same one that leads them to develop urban mural art in the town of Resume, department of El Salvador Central America, the concept is headed by a representative icon for more if we refer to the plural Memit or a character\'s Memit...

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See everything we offer you!
31.50 x 39.37 in
35.43 x 49.21 in
39.37 x 59.06 in
23.62 x 39.37 in
23.62 x 39.37 in

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  • World `S FaBru dream born of two young brothers Salvadorans, Fabio and Bruno Jimenez Artists who will gradually form a concept purely autochthonous and representative of a people, the same one that leads them to develop urban mural art in the town of Resume, department of El Salvador Central America, the concept is headed by a representative icon for more if we refer to the plural Memit or a character\'s Memit representative of women in the region of skin pain is enhanced by dark green eyes that besides beauty and flirtatious reflect humility and innocence.

  • The young artists from a humble family and very enterprising, possessing a great tool (Artistic creativity) thus give way to a character who decide to baptize in the name of his mother, Noemi Jimenez "Dona Memi" or "Mrs. Memit "(as a living tribute to her) which has been projected both nationally and internationally. and today is an icon in your city and a region known as the Ruta de las Flores. in the Central American country of El Salvador. source of pride to its creators the Memit have been painted in 60 different locations using the technique of acrylic paint, is a colorful riot of beauty and harmony of a unique cultural invite you to learn more about the FaBru Memit and the World ` S.

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